NOTE: This is the cast as of recording (the show’s 200th performance), not necessarily the cast for the length of the show’s run. Also, the recording’s liner notes include a complete listing of alternates and/or understudies for many of the roles; as they were deemed superfluous to requirement, they have not been included here, but can be accessed by clicking “More Images” at this recording’s Discogs entry.
Jesus of Nazareth…………Kamil Střihavka
Judas Iscariot…………Dan Bárta
Mary Magdalene…………Bára Basiková
Pontius Pilate…………Aleš Brichta
King Herod…………Vilém Čok
Simon Zealotes…………Zbynĕk Fric
Caiaphas…………Peter Poldauf
Annas…………Jindřich Vobořil
Peter…………Miroslav Mokoš
Apostles…………Lubor Cukr, Martin France, Patrick Fridrichovský, Aleš Hnídek, Vlastimil Korec, Bronislav Kotiš, Patrick Tenev, Jan Teplý ml., Radek Valenta
Apostles’ Women…………Karolina Husáková, Leona Machálková, Sandra Pogodová, Karolína Pospíšilová, Petra Ryšavá
Priests…………Pavel Drábek, Richard Horký, Jiří Malšovský
Roman Soldiers…………Jan Fiala, Ondřej Kulhavý, Martin Skala
Soul Girls…………Pavla Kapitánová, Athina Langoská, Táňa Novotná, Renáta Podlipská
Swings…………Martin K. Novotný, Karolína Pospíšilová, Milan Potúček
NOTE: This is the orchestra as of recording (the show’s 200th performance), not necessarily the orchestra for the length of the show’s run. Also, the recording’s liner notes include a complete listing of alternates for many of the orchestra seats; as they were deemed superfluous to requirement, they have not been included here, but can be accessed by clicking “More Images” at this recording’s Discogs entry.
Conducted by František Preisler ml.
Studio string orchestra conducted by Arnošta Moulíka
Lead Guitar: Stanislav Jelínek
Backing Guitar: Miroslav Chyška, Oldřich Krejčoves
Bass Guitar: Ivan Doležálek, František Raba
Piano: David Noll
Keyboards: Ota Balage, Karel Mařík
Saxophone: Martin Mynařík
Drums: František Hönig
Trumpets: Vratislav Bartoš, Jan Kejmar, Václav Týfa
Bassoon: Jan Soukup
Horns: Jiří Lisý, Miroslav Rovenský, Josef Secký, Tomáš Secký
Trombones: Milan Brázda, Bohumil Bydžovský, Václav Ferebauer
Clarinets: Zdeněk Hostek, Martin Mynařík
Flutes: Miroslava Moulíková, Tomáš Křemenák
Percussion: Marcel Viček
Track Listing
Act 1:
Předehra (Overture)
Jak Ze Sna Procitám (Heaven On Their Minds)
Proč Ten Shon? / Divná Mystifikace (What’s The Buzz / Strange Thing, Mystifying)
Vše Je Tak, Jak Má Být (Everything’s Alright)
Zemřít By Měl… (This Jesus Must Die)
Hosanna (Hosanna)
Šimon Zélótes / Ubohý Jeruzalém (Simon Zealotes / Poor Jerusalem)
Pilátův Sen (Pilate’s Dream)
V Chrámu (The Temple)
Vše Je Tak, Jak Má Být (Everything’s Alright [Reprise])
Co Na Tom Je Tak Zlého? (I Don’t Know How To Love Him)
Zavržen Na Věky Věkův / Peníze Zkropené Krví (Damned For All Time / Blood Money)
Act 2:
Poslední Večeře (The Last Supper)
V Zahradě Getsemanské: Děj Se Vůle Tvá… (Gethsemane [I Only Want To Say])
Zajetí (The Arrest)
Petrovo Zapření (Peter’s Denial)
Kristus Před Pilátem (Pilate And Christ)
Song Krále Heroda (King Herod’s Song)
Vse Psat Od Prvnich Radku (Could We Start Again Please?)
Jidášova Smrt (Judas’ Death)
Pilátův Soud (Včetně 39 Ran Bičem) (Trial Before Pilate [Including The Thirty-Nine Lashes])
Superstar (Superstar)
Ukřižování (Crucifixion)
Jan 19, 41 (John 19:41)
Superstar II (Superstar)
Audio Production Information
Produced by Ota Balage
Recording Engineer: Petr Ackermann
Assistant Recording Engineers: Ondřej Ježek, Petr Košař, Jan Kotzmann, Monika Kuželová, Miroslav Veselý
Digital Mastering: Jan Petrusek
Translation by Michael Prostějovský
Conductor: František Preisler ml.
Musical Direction: Arnošta Moulíka
Chorus Master: Jan Hanzlík
Graphics and Sleeve Designed by Společnost pro komerční tisk
Cover Photo: Antonín Malý
Sleeve Notes: Vladimír Bystrov ml., Petr Novotný, Michael Prostějovský
Sleeve Editor: Vladimír Bystrov ml.
Special thanks to Bohemia Video Art, Praha Music Centrum, IFM Melodia, Inton, Studio Bunkr
Recorded live at Spirála Theatre, Prague, on February 18-19, 1995
Mixed in Propast Studio, Prague, March 1995
Mastering: Rudolfinum Music Studio, Prague
Historical Notes from a Fan

In the early Nineties, there were still parts of the world where Jesus Christ Superstar had yet to make a dent in foreign language adaptations. One such area was the Czech Republic, at least until the wheels began to turn on the first Czech JCS in 1993. Director Petr Novotný, actor Stanislav Aubrecht, and lighting designer Jozef Celder, who first met working on the Czech premiere of Les Misérables a year earlier, formed a production company called Musical s.r.o. to bring more current popular material to their home country. Their initial plan was to present another Andrew Lloyd Webber musical altogether, Cats, but after protracted negotiation failed to produce results (the show would finally have its Czech premiere a decade later), they instead obtained the rights to JCS in December 1993.
Upon its opening in the summer of 1994, it met with much critical and commercial success and was ultimately seen by over 850,000 people for 1,288 performances before it finally closed on June 28, 1998. This production was documented twice: a studio recording of edited highlights, which saw its release following the August 17, 1994 evening performance, and a complete live recording of the 200th performance on February 19, 1995. It is to the latter which we now direct our attention.

By the time of recording, the Czech production of JCS had been winning much-deserved accolades from many of its industry peers; the show itself won Gramy Awards (later renamed the Anděl Awards, from 1992-96 they called themselves the Gramys and operated much like its successful English equivalent, the Grammys, complete with the award incorporating a ceramic statuette of a gramophone) for Concert of the Year, Event of the Year, and Highlight of the Year, Dan Bárta was nominated for a Thálie Award in musical theater and won the Male Vocalist of the Year Gramy (edging out cast-mate and fellow nominee Kamil Střihavka), Bára Basiková was nominated for a Female Vocalist of the Year Gramy, and translator Michael Prostějovský was honored for his efforts in adapting Tim Rice’s lyrics by the CEO of Czech Radio with the coveted Prix Bohemia of 1994. As such, it was a foregone conclusion that the already extant highlights recording simply would not do. This huge success had to see a fuller representation.
Unlike the almost-but-not-quite-complete studio recording, this is the whole show, with all of the cast in the roles they would normally have portrayed onstage. Very much like the studio recording, the orchestrations are unusually excellent (this particular lineup of musicians includes instruments that this reviewer had not noted on a cast album since early recordings), and the performers are uniformly strong; special mention must be made in particular of Kamil Střihavka and Dan Bárta as Jesus and Judas, respectively. Their chemistry is obvious and the quality rock sound of their voices is incredible, heard to much better effect here than on the studio recording. Many around JCS Zone rank Kamil and Dan among their all-time favorites, and this recording shows it is for good reason. Indeed, the site’s founder, Jay, once went so far as to proclaim this cast “without a doubt, one of the, if not the, best casts of Superstar in a foreign language.” Don’t believe him? In the words of a one-time Eurovision contender by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber that ultimately became a song for King Herod, “Try it and see.”
The best cast of Superstar in a foreign language!
Many have praised this cast and I’m sure a lot of you are already familiar with this recording and for good reasons! This is without a doubt one of the, if not THE best cast of Superstar in a foreign language. Kamil Strihavka and Daniel Barta are among my all time favorites and it’s not difficult to see why. There’s an obvious great chemistry between these two and both have incredible rock voices! Add to that the excellent orchestrations and fellow cast members, all who are more than good and you’ve got yourself a true cast of Superstars!